Tom Di Bella

Tom Di Bella

  • I have one memory to share right now, but it is a sad one. So forgive me, but I can’t forget this day [November 22] in 1963 when we learned about the shooting of President Kennedy. I think I was in last period and I remember hearing it announced over the loudspeaker intercom. Everyone was in shock of course. A moment earlier we had been looking forward to Friday night and a great weekend (I think there was to be a dance that night – my band was to play) – and all of a sudden the world changed! Instead of dancing many of us spent the weekend sharing in the loss of that family on our TVs. We all grew up a little that day.
  • I started at Ridge High in my Junior year, transferring from Hicksville, Long Island, NY. In Hicksville, my class was about 600 students, which I believe was about the entire student count for the 4 year class at Ridge High in 1964! I believe going to a smaller school was a good thing for me.

    Two years later, I was in uniform and member of an even larger group of “guys.” Shocking!