Linda Stoecker (Josephs)

Sallie Utz (Hooker)

  • Growing up on South Alward Avenue, I could ride my bike everywhere around town...
    We were allowed to go wherever we wanted as long as we were home by dinner. No one worried about our safety. In Basking Ridge, everyone knew you and watched out for you. It was a wonderful place in which to grow up.
  • In the winter Pine Street would be blocked off so that we could go sledding. That was a super sledding hill! Then there were the great times of sledding at Pill Hill or Oak Street School. I always had a wonderful time skating at Searing's pond, except when I broke my arm in second grade. Thankfully, I only did that once and had many years of delightful skating after that.
  • We knew how to celebrate Christmas in Basking Ridge. Everyone would gather at the center of town to sing Christmas carols. What a joyful noise to the Lord! The trumpet being played from the window in my church and the chiming of the church bells was always a highlight for me. We knew then that it was time to head to church for our Christmas Eve services. Christmas time still brings back fond memories of the holiday season in Basking Ridge.
    • Girl Scouts
    • Tri-Hi-Y
    • Youth and Government
    • Dance classes at Barn Studio
    • Color Guard
    • Band camp
    • Football games
    • Parades
    • Parties
    • Picnics
    • Palmer's pool
    • Wonderful teachers
    • and the annual Kiwanis Fair

    Wow, the memories go on and on.

    There is not enough space to write about all of them.

    I was so fortunate to have a wonderful family, close friends, and to grow up in Basking Ridge.

    What I learned there has served me well through my whole life.

    Thank you to all of my classmates who were a part of that life.

    See you in July!