Pete Strauss

Pete Strauss

  • Well here it goes (I've read everyone else's so I felt compelled to make my contribution and dust off the cobwebs)!
  • Unlike many of you, I moved to Basking Ridge between my Sophomore and Junior year in High school. I moved from Colonia, NJ, where I attended Woodbridge High School for just my sophomore year. My graduating class there would have been 1467 whereas, if I remember correctly, ours at RHS was 136. By numbers alone that made me an instant "somebody" and allowed me to come out of my somewhat "shy" shell (Boy, have I changed). Of course it wasn't easy moving after the school year because it was tough making new friends in a new community where the homes were not right on top of each other. That's when someone suggested I join the Youth Fellowship at the Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge (the best thing that ever happened to me). Through the fellowship I met my future best friend, Jack Welch, who in turn introduced me to many others such as Peggy Kaempfer, Linda Sullivan, et al. It was a glorious summer and a tremendous intro to a lot of nice people who would later become friends and classmates.
  • I must admit my Junior year was a bit of a shock, I had never been around so many intelligent, smart "kids"! But I was welcomed in very warmly and although intimidated, tried to fit in. It was a joy and a great memory to be taught by such wonderful teachers as Meys, Eisenhart, Brasher, Taylor, Latin teacher (I can't remember his name [Richard Moody - Editor (3 years Latin!)]), and of course Mr. Smith for PE.
  • Why I ever took Latin my Senior Year is beyond me but it wound up getting me kicked out of the National Honor Society (our last semester for failing Latin [no wonder I can't remember his name]). I also remember taking the National Honor Society test sometime during our Senior year and being so nervous (I always tested nervous) my Mom decided to give me a half of a tranquilizer pill to calm me down and I fell asleep for half the test with Jack sitting right next to me, my head resting on my palm! I still did OK but...LOL (in hindsight).
  • And our Graduation Dance/Party where we danced to The Rolling Stones,"I Can't get no Satisfaction" (which was released in March of 65') for 47 straight minutes at one point and were soaking wet.
  • One memory which some might remember is ... Our Senior Play/Musical The King and I... I was to whistle for Ken Ballinger, The King, behind the scenes, but when we did the first performance (I believe it was a matinee for middle schoolers) I was in the Gym playing Ping Pong and when Ken went to mime whistling there was no one there to whistle for him...for the second performance I had snuck behind a piece of furniture but no one saw me so the director had someone else whistle for Ken and when it came time for the whistle scene there were two of us whistling...but we finally got it right the third time!
  • I look forward to seeing many of you in a couple of weeks for our 50th reunion... for those others who can't make it or are no longer with us... May God Bless you all and look over your loved ones!

    Pete the Hat