Millie Ciba (Hahn)

Millie Ciba (Hahn)

Memories from Days at Ridge High School

  • I joined the class in the Fall of 1963. My dad settled us in Basking Ridge for his job transfer.
  • My biggest memory in November of 1963 was hearing the loudspeaker announce the shooting of John F. Kennedy. I was in Mr. King's Geometry class. We were all stunned and listened for a long time to the broadcast news of the day. We went home with heavy hearts. Even though we were teens we recognized the tragedy of the day. The history of that day has remained of interest to me.
  • Recently we attended a patriotic concert by the Marine Corps band. It jogged my memories of playing clarinet in the band under the direction of Norris Birnbaum. I learned band skills from him, all genre of music, and of course he helped me to improve my individual clarinet skills.
  • Band Camp, at Camp Johnsonburg in Allamuchy, gave us marching practice together as a group and cemented many good friendships for me. The band always marched in the downtown Basking Ridge Memorial Day parade in our tailored wool uniforms and high hats!

    The weather was often hot by then in May, and we lost a few marchers to fainting from the heat!

  • Another highlight of being in the band, was marching and playing rousing pep tunes at the home football games on Friday nights. A big achievement was finally saving enough money to purchase the RHS wool marching band jacket, and wear it with pride. My name was embroidered on cool!

    My jacket is long gone, but not all the favorite band memories!

  • Playing field hockey at RHS was fantastic. I gained skills from Miss Murray and learned much about the importance of team efforts and the tactics of the game. I loved this Fall sport and continued to play Varsity level at American University. Girls sports affords the opportunities for individual development in so many ways and helps build life skills in teamwork.
  • Yes, like other girls, I was a regular visitor to Ms. Hull's office, but not necessarily for guidance. Her yardstick measured the length of my skirt, and usually I failed her test! Too short! I still cannot part with a few of those beautiful plaid kilts, and of course my daughter had no interest in wearing them. Maybe my granddaughters will!
  • Life has been good, and given me wonderful memories and blessings. I look forward to seeing you all in July. Stay healthy, travel safely.

    Millie Ciba Hahn