Linda Stoecker (Josephs)

Linda Stoecker (Josephs)

There couldn't have been a better place to grow up than Basking Ridge. Maybe because the world and times were far gentler and kinder then.
  • All time favorite memory - The Christmas Eve Sing in the center of town with the Ridge High brass band, led by Mr. Birnbaum, playing carols. My family would eat at The Store and then walk to the center where it seemed like the entire town had gathered. The trumpet playing Joy to the World in the round window at the top of the Presbyterian Church was totally reminiscent of A Wonderful Life. Still brings a tear to my eyes when I think of it.
  • Walking home from Cedar Hill School for lunch with my sister Laurie for tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • My father and Peggy Kaempfer's father raking and burning leaves together along the side of Homestead Road where we lived.
  • The Color Guard and especially the football game where my flag and I got caught in a huge burst of wind. I careened and twirled all the way down the full length of the field with the NJ state flag flapping and billowing like a sail. Liz DeBlock tried but couldn't save me. Proud to say I didn't drop the damn thing!!
  • Mr Brasher's "Chaz-O-Gram". I loved the Chaz-O-Gram and got an "A" in English that year!!
  • Friday night dances. Did I always wear those black fish net stockings? Maybe that had something to do with being nominated "Best Dancer" our senior year. It remains my best, if not only, claim to fame.
  • Mr. Grossman's shoes....HUGE and turned up at the toes. [And they squeaked, too! - Editor]
  • The Corner Cupboard....where I would sneak after school with Carly Sella when I was supposed to be at the library. Still the worlds best French fries.
  • Putting 50 miles on my father's car circling between the Dairy Queen and the A&P parking lot.
  • Worst memory - being blamed when Peggy Kaempfer sat on a tack in the 4th grade. I didn't do it Peggy, honest!!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to remember those times and all the ones the rest of you are writing about! We were so lucky to grow up where and when we did!! See you this summer.

Linda Stoecker Josephs