Joe Kunzmann

Joe Kunzmann

  • I have many, many great memories of growing up in BR.  You mentioned the Kiwanis Fair and that was also one of mine particularly when they used to offer hay rides - a long and a shorter version - on an actual hay wagon pulled by a farm tractor.  (It was ended like most fun things due to insurance regulations)
  • Do you remember the parade surrounding the Bicentennial 200 Year Celebration? [And the wooden nickels! – Editor] It may have been prior to 1955 but it was a neat event.  I remember that among the marchers were veterans from the Spanish/American war. 
  • You mentioned the closing of Maple Avenue but did you know that for several weeks (?) South Alward Avenue was closed just north of the intersection with Culbertson Road due to a very large boulder that fell off a truck.
  • Meeting on the hallway steps at Ridge in the AM before school started and talking about whatever.  It was during one of these sessions that somebody -I think it was Pete Strauss - came up with the idea of breaking the record for the longest baseball game-which we did!
  • Listening to the sounds of the train whistle at dusk or early in the AM as the commuter train passed through the area.
  • Ice skating on Kiwanis Park and playing hockey on Sakele's pond.
  • Sunday afternoon touch football games at Oak Street School and perhaps my fondest memory-getting to know you as a team mate on the Oakie Dokies little league team! Not many would own up to actually playing on a team with this name but that was an age of innocence nurtured to a great extent by having the good fortune of living in a wonderful community.