Gwen Foldy (Bartlett-Palmer)

Gwen Foldy (Bartlett-Palmer)

  • I was amazed at all the great things that some of us have done over the years. I am not sure about being able to attend our event but I felt that I could contribute more insight to what we all have been doing all these years.
  • I am married again, to my husband Scott, for the last 14 years and have finally found my soul mate after two other marriages/two children. He was really the man of my dreams and I officially have been called a "Cougar" since he is 22 years younger than me.
  • Having said all of that, I worked as a head hunter for Management Recruiters and 'stole' personnel from one corporation to place in another. I made top sales the first month I was there. I worked for Bell Labs in NYC and Murry Hill, NJ. I later worked, during my second marriage, in Head Start and Middlesex County Economic Corp as the Chair for Public Relations for all Head Start Centers in the County.
  • I did a 180° turn and took a course in Public Community Access TV and became a producer for a cable TV show on the Cable TV Network in NJ. It was called "Life Styles" and had a potential audience of 80 million in NJ, NY and PA. I was up for a CAP award one year for my Documentary on Children with illness. I also did an interview with Malcolm Forbes when he brought over the Hot Air Balloon Team from China. I did get an award from the station for my show also. I was asked to do a music video with Tommy James and his group that aired with the New Jersey answer to "We Are the World."
  • Later on, right after I married Scott, I had to have emergency brain surgery and, being who I am, I ended up in the papers for that also. It seemed I had two blood vessels that burst and I made it to the hospital and survived because I was able to seal the vessels that saved my life. I made the papers on this also, which I did not really want. It seems only 3% if the world could do what I did. They called me "Miracle Baby" in the hospital.

    I started a Brain Injury Support Group when I got home to give back to everyone who helped save my life and managed it for almost ten years at our local hospital. I beat the odds and I now enjoy every day to its fullest. It was a long road but I made it with no visible signs I ever had brain surgery except for the very large scar on my forehead and the dent in the side of my skull that is covered by my hair.