Dennis Ward

Dennis Ward

  • My mother played the cello, and was invited (1955) to play for the tots. I'm sure we all enjoyed it - since that sentiment is expressed in the unique and individualized responses of appreciation. (Certainly no teacher prompts).    Cello Thank you's
  • Personally, I always enjoyed the peace and security of Basking Ridge knowing that we were prepared for a sneak Nuclear Attack by those pesky Russians. Just read the Fallon/Headington letter from 1958. Can't think of any issues they failed to address. I may have sent this to you some time ago. Like maybe in 1958.    Fallon/Headington Air Defense Emergency (1958)
    Boy Scouts:   Very enjoyable activity for the early years.

  • First there was Cub Scouts, meeting at “Jimmy” Smith’s on Maple Avenue. I was in awe that they actually owned a barn!

  • Next, Boy Scouts. “Mr. Ryder” was a very active scoutmaster, and it seems we went on many camping trips, Jamborees, and other activities. Saw my first Playboy, collected in one or our paper drives. Wow. We were Troop 151, and met regularly in the Methodist Church basement. Many hikes, many camp-outs, constantly worked to earn our “merit badges.” Went to a week-long Jamboree at Camp Watchung – including Steve Strait.

  • Once we “survival camped” in winter – making shelter from pine boughs. Woke up to several feet of snow. And these were days prior to down sleeping bags and garments!
     Great memories.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts