Carol Krebs (Kenlan)

Carol Krebs (Kenlan)

  • I arrived in Basking Ridge in fourth grade two weeks into the school year because my parents' house wasn't ready to move into at the start of the year. This was a pretty scary situation for a nine year old to be in but I remember being warmly welcomed as a new friend by Jean Halsey, Susan Hammell, Sally Kolding and Pam Maida and I am sure the rest of Miss Crowell's class was equally kind.
  • My favorite recollections of the town are the Christmas Eve caroling (those poor brass players freezing their lips off - how did they play?) and the funky old library. What a magic place that library was to a kid. Of course, sledding at Oak Street wasn't bad either.
  • I think my best loved high school event was the production of "The King and I." I played bassoon in the small orchestra and always had to wipe a tear away at the end of the performance. We had (and probably still have) a lot of talent in our class.
I am looking forward to seeing so many of you at the reunion.


Carol Krebs Kenlan