Barbara Ann Moore (Eder)

Barbara Moore (Eder)


  • Growing up in Bernards Township was wonderful. ..I loved the simple life, mom and pop stores, doctors made house calls, you knew your neighbors, everyone watched out for one another (in my case a little too much, being the daughter of a policeman could be at times quite challenging, sometimes it was like living under a microscope...but in the end it was all good (well most of the time) :)

    Do you remember the shaving cream fights in the center of town on mischief night? Loved them and the caroling.

  • It was great being able to walk or ride your bike to your friend's house, we all knew you better be home before the 6pm siren went off.

  • Maple Ave School, I had Mrs. Pomeroy (I think that was her name) and Miss Crowley (she would try to impersonate Elvis....said she didn't understand the attraction...I mean REALLY!!!).

  • Cedar Hill seems like a blur...I do remember being on a softball team after school and breaking one of the windows...OOPS !!
  • Oak St. Mr. Rodeman, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Ackens, and of course, Mr. Grossman. All wonderful teachers.

    • I loved all the semi-formal dances we had in Junior High. (Shame they don't do that anymore, at least here in Flemington.)

    • Going to the Village Fountain for a coke and fries and a few tunes on the jukebox...then rush home to watch American to dance!!

  • Ridge High...Football games, bonfires, shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, math, English, US history and gym

    • Junior and Senior grand we made our gym look (now proms are at country clubs)!

    • Dances at the high school and how about the dances at St. James CYO and The Shadows played the hits of the day. Awesome!!!

  • And now who did I have a crush on in high school? Well, I'll never tell, but you know who you are! I've known you for a long time.
