Barbara Block (Jocher)

Barbara Block (Jocher)

  • Growing up in Basking Ridge
    • was walking to Cedar Hill Elementary
    • (and home for lunch)
    • sledding down the magnificent hill at Oak Street
    • (and running up that same hill at the end of PE class.)
  • We played softball in the neighborhood on the empty lot, caught fireflies at dusk (let them go), roller skated, ice skated, and had long bike rides.
  • Everyone in the neighborhood got along.
  • Does anyone remember Mr. Rodeman's classes when he decerebrated a frog and we watched it jump around?
    • Or when he euthanized a cat?
    • Or when we had to recite verbatim from the textbook what was our homework?
  • Does anyone remember on the last day of school in math class Mr. May wrote this huge equation on the board that we were frantically copying and it was all a joke?
    RHS - so many good memories.

    So glad to be in touch with old friends.

    Looking forward to the reunion.

    I am still working full time so have limited time for the computer but I have spent a good deal of after-hours time on our website.

    All that I have read has been so enjoyable.

    I also think that our class was very special and privileged to have had the advantage of growing up in Basking Ridge in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and by virtue of that advantage we have a set of values that is rare in today's society. Our parents gave a care, so did we, and we still do.

    We are truly blessed to hold these feelings, values, and convictions and are to be commended to continue to follow and defend them in the current world. I know that I have looked back on my youth and upbringing and I am very thankful for those circumstances.

    The thing that I think separated us as a class of friends from other population was the fact that we appreciated those great benefits AS we were receiving them. I remember countless moments when I said to myself "this is so good" or "I am so lucky to be doing this" - you get the idea. I could probably go on (and rival Judi) but you get my message.

    My main reason for writing was to commend you for the super job that you are doing as our editor-in-chief. Please know that we all thank you for your service. Please do not edit the praise. [I was forced at near gunpoint to include these last lines by Barbara! - Editor]

    See you in July.